The Ink-Jerker's Journal

About the IJJ


There will be bad words. There will be opinionated content. There will be at least one person complaining. However, there will not be any individuals trained nor certified in the "give a fuck" department of literature. This department does not exist. I promise.

The Ink-Jerker's Journal is the best place to find tips, News, ratings, reviews, and updates regarding the many occupations of Literature. Find out about publishing from active publishers, writing from active wordsmiths and changing regulations. All straight for the horses-mouth! 

The Ink-Jerker's Journal has a creative and entertaining Content team that allows readers to see the fun-sides of life. Sit back, relax and enjoy the Literature!

The B.S. Behind the Book Scene

Lunacy In Literature by Haley L. Young As a professional editor, it is hard to ignore the ignorance and childish behavior of our i...